Thursday, May 5, 2011

long investigation

Jane autumn. Chinese Dragon Culture sequence of elements mm
(dragon's origin)

in Chinese civilization, the dragon has an essential status and affect. From 7000 years ago, the new Stone Age, the ancestors of the original dragon totem worship, and today people are still mostly with the various aspects of Chinese society has become a cultural cohesion and accumulation. China has become the symbol of the dragon, the symbol of the Chinese nation, a symbol of Chinese culture. For descendants for every image of the dragon is a symbol, a Italian thread, a meat and blood sensation related!. , also Yuandu to the overseas Chinese bring offthe world, in the Chinese residential areas approximately the world or the Chinese city, the largest and most spectacular jewelry is still long. Thus, the nation concept is formed? its image and cultural implications of change is how to develop? dragon in Chinese culture impact? ancient times, these problems persist to difficulty people in differ ways, has also not fully determined, returned to people a confusing sensibility. Here, we will search for traces of the dragon, the dragon into the ancient history and the world, to understand and explore the mysteries of the dragon hh
【】 Chinese mythology the dragon is a Chinese myth dragon
in a good change,shanghai escort, clouds and rain can Hing, Lee miraculous of all entities animal, the legend can be secret can significantly, almost impossible when the spring breeze in autumn, when the deep swoop. Xingyun can cause rain, the length of scale insects because the public, the four spirits ( dragon, phoenix, unicorn, turtle), became a symbol of imperial power, the self-proclaimed emperors were long, the use of artifacts also decorated with dragons. by the rain dragon. Long, who said Qiu Long horned, hornless dragon who said Chi.
Dragon Dragon first emerged in 5000 years ago, the burial of a primitive society, Puyang City, Henan Province, is immediately on display at the repository, which is a brick of shells, dragons, cast it rowdy, see like a lizard,beijing escort, no shine colors, archaeologists call it make causativeable explanation, so they absence their own country as the totem has the power of thunder and speedy tempest, the mountains to fight the kind of eminent, like a fish cruising in the water, like birds flying in the sky. So many of the specifics of animals are condensed the body of the dragon, the dragon gradually becomes: Luo head, neck snake, antlers, turtle eyes, scales, tiger palm, eagle, convert the governor of the direction. This composite structure, manner that the dragon is a beast of beasts, universal beast, God Almighty.
special care, the dragon is merely 5 fingers, 4 fingers of it is no long, yet the animals like lizards, crocodiles.
dragon as a totem of the Chinese ancestors, accepted at first, but just a piece of rubble from the mounds, harsh mineral and crude. in the history of the hands of the elderly, it is constantly mowing, pondering. Business Week for its awe-inspiring, Han and Tang Dynasty to its generous; Lung Wei as the Bamboo Grove, the figure who exercised ; in the Liao and Jin are like prairie wild, unrestrained Pentium, to make it to your supreme imperial nobles, the common people to make it do as the Romans.
ancient list of its image and more varied. one that is four feet long and thin, the first horse tail. scales that is wearing a head has to be angle, Ipomoea. , who said to be winged dragons, who were dragons horned dragon, no angle name Qiu. mini by appoint Jiao, who said a large dragon. legends and more vigor for its vigor was hidden, to small or colossal, to short to long. Vernal Equinox impossible, Autumnal Equinox latent deep, powerful, omnipotent. undersea world in the myth is the main (Dragon King), a symbol of good luck in personal is, in ancient times is the incarnation of imperial rule.
The , bend Temple Longchi, set the lawful monument altar to sacrifice rain department of the instrument offering the Dragon King. Wulong sacrifice brought in the Tang Dynasty emulated the system. Huizong Grand two years (1108) curve all the world winner Grand Wulong. Closure Guangren Dragon God King, Red Dragon God Jiaze Wang, Fu Ying Wang Huanglong God, God is righteous White Dragon Ji Wang, Ze Ling King Black Dragon God. wen two years (1863) and Dragon Canal closure as a global Dragon King.
birthday of the god of the Dragon King Day, a variety of historical records and local folklore are different. antique temple devoted almost worship the Dragon King of the City God, the land of the temple also common. every storm disorders, long drought, or more than long period of rain, the public must scald incense and appeal to the Dragon King Temple, the Dragon King in order to overflow control, good climate.
archaeologists believe that the dragon is a kind of early with the angle of the snake head, is a pure reptiles ; while others believe that the dragon was first formed, the leader like the piglet, dragon and snake are the same; also pointed out that the dragon is made by a crocodile transformation.
aboard the origin of the dragon, after a long-term studies and research, has eventually made a more consensus: the dragon is a synthesis of a kind of animals is the formation of a prehistoric society totem sign.
dragon originated in the early Neolithic from today Time will not be less than eight thousand. this time, the original citizens have not simply passively depend on God's reward, and they hunted brutal boar, and so the buffalo keeper up; do not just eat those are taken to the Lost savage fruits, but prefer selectively in array to farm corn planting. that they can skillfully make bombard with fire, and studied to take the easy house of lumber and began grinding stone, bone, hand-made pottery, and gradually stable down, engaging in making movement. product activities so that people scale up spacious adjoin with nature, nature as a human creature outdoor of the incredible power of the spirit world, the impact on people is also growing.
why the fish do not swim family wear, Ju Li crocodile-shaped sound, eerie snakes, lizards, form, color mysterious? why the clouds rolling in, electricity shiny, rumbling thunder, ponderous rain? why the waves coiled, Hong Guan sky, debris roaring down, devour persons and animals, invincible ? hh and change the behavior of these animals, endless natural celestial phenomena of the ancients, it is not scientific explanation.
vaguely suspect they ought have then a mighty, and ; fetish To talk, apt shriek, to eat and drink Lazard nap, as to satirical.
dragon, as a cult phenomenon, a kind of magical forces of ecology, Starting its site is a width of nearly 20 meters wide and almost two meters, Yang first mouth, bent over arched behind and tail looming. Shilong this is the earliest ever found in China, the largest body of the dragon. (There is one story that in Shanxi Province Kyrgyzstan Beach cliffs on the shire Persimmon over a thousand years antecedent a fish-tail deer Longyan paintings, the premier when the prototype of the dragon. no promulgated this piece of rock craft, the face of how, is still nameless.) Then there Inner Xinglongwa Aohan up 7 alternatively eight annuals ago unearthed pottery dragons, the first ridge northwardly of Baoji in Shaanxi unearthed pottery dating back up to 7 years phial dragons, Puyang,beijing massage, Henan ago unearthed in western incline of 6 water thousand four hundred years of plastic dragons and other mussels.
long process of fuzzy sets the beginning point of the Neolithic Age, via the affair, weeks to the quick development of the Warring States duration to Qin and Han Dynasty have the basic fashion. The two meanings, an is said to constitute the structure of the dragon, units, styles, when they basically have the Qin and Han dynasties; the second is that the dragon is an open,toronto escorts, ever satisfied that the new system, it does not encounter the elementary fashion during the Qin and Han, after the dynasties, until today, but also are constantly join and deduct, and change and development of derivatives.
the prototype of the dragon has been burgeoning in the late Neolithic Age, is the summer of tribal totems as the chief objects of virtual imagination. ancients had it explanations. there is that [tng] snake has no legs and can fly (discern Long. (entire see Like, the first nag tail. feet, the eagle's claws. This is clearly the image of the late evolution of the dragon, the dragon build up complex than the original, be integrated into speed up a totem, that it is often enriched and developed. For the prototype of the main body of the dragon Scholars have made numerous useful research. a crocodile said, lizards, said, Ma said, and so on. But the tone is generally approved dragon snake. Initially the system is put forward this view of the duo's famous . Lung is the serpent, the snake that dragons. Yiduo that snake clan, additional clans after the merger, the pate, mane [lie bad] tail, deer horns, dog claws, fish scales and to be .
long inquiry, we must first understand, what is its tone, the trunk or main prototype. a fast overview is that the dragon appeared from the opening, are going to work, constant change, and constitute the main body of the dragon , without it, the dragon is no longer of the dragon, this is the tone of the dragon,we ought retention resources and dilute pollution. Specifically, the trunk or main prototype. the dragon's body, whether you take away the snake's body, the dragon will no longer exist. Long come and go head periodically like a crocodile, sometimes like a horse; its feet at times like a lizard foot, occasionally like a dog paw; only a slim body the snake was not changed. ancient, tribal worship of the snake is very common. There are snakes muscular vitality, is in line with the aspirations of the original ancestors. serpent people have a great threat, primarily poisonous snakes, can cause the doom, and fears. less is the snake or dragon. snake itself is a multi-ethnic, modern words, that is when the snake worship, great hunk base to it as the main body of the dragon, symbol of this great citizen integration, even now who are compliant to accept the annexation. Chinese dragon was officially formed, probably began in the period Yu, Yu consolidated situation in the Central Plains after the snake totem in fusion with other tribes to build the social conditions are ripe dragon. Lung is to accustom to the emergence of state was created. Because of the scope of a great snake worship, to the main body of the snake for the dragon, to obtain all ethnic groups in North and South Yanhuang descendant personality. dragon is the crystallization of cultural variety, once formed, will firmly create it as a symbol of the administration of the Chinese nation status.
Dragon is great for it gets the respect of all offsprings; dragon is nobody, because it is only a spirit, not a substance.
in Chinese mythology and romance, is a miraculous animal with a snake, lizard legs, claws, tail, antlers, fish scales, mouth have to be, the measure of beads beneath the image. ; by the rain dragon. should be long, angular who mentioned Qiu Long, who mentioned not Chi Kok Long. Some people calculate that this is behind the ancient Yan Huang unified the Central Plains ministries, combine to fashion the image of the totem clan. Legend says that implicit to explicit, virtually impossible while the spring breeze in autumn, when Qian Yuan. Xingyun tin reason rain, became a character of royal power, the self-proclaimed dictators were long, the use of artifacts too decorated with dragons. dragon is the Chinese progenitors as the ancestral adore of God, is still widely esteemed, constantly call themselves goes mentioned in the aesthetic female!
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